Following criteria are to evaluate your ability to strategically communicate an architectural proposal through a creative as well as logically and realistically constructed series of events in the form of a factitious story.
- Reality (12.5%)
Have relevant contexts you can observe today been studied and well incorporated into your Architecture Fiction?
So this criteria is all to do with the immediate context of the site, both socially and geographically, I hope to represent this in my final concept by having the building form relating to both the existing building form and a representation of the maker culture I hope to capture in the building.
The social context I hope to draw from is one of re-use and recycling, hopefully taken one step further with the introduction of a maker culture to the area. There are a few sites already around brisbane (most notably in Southbank and the valley) where groups have set up hacker spaces (predominantly to modify electronic hardware & Prototype level 3D printing). These are spaces where like minded individuals can pool there resources and skills to achieve goals and projects.
The physical context of the site and surroundings I hope not to disturb to much, as the building is quite a prominent landmark of Paddington. Also to be as ecologically sensitive as possible I believe it is far better to re-purpose and recycle what is there instead of demolishing and starting on a blank canvas (which is all to often the case these days).
I intend to leave as much of the existing structure intact as possible all floor slabs and structural walls shall remain largely untouched. What I am planning to do is completely enclose the space in a weatherproof dynamic skin allowing user driven adaptation of spaces.
- Creativity (12.5%)
Have background contexts extracted from your team’s scenario developed in Project One been refined and developed into a unique and imaginative plot for your Architecture Fiction?
I think that the emergence of a maker culture and a dedicated space for community groups to interact and achieve is something that is lacking from the modern society we have developed for ourselves. Our work lives have become so defined that we almost get trapped into one role or one skill. I believe to lead a fulfilling existence our work environments, projects and skills should be as creative as we are. This space will allow anyone to come; learn, design, build, socialize, teach, or just watch.
By having a free and open creative environment people can engage the top two tiers of individual needs esteem and self actualisation, a level that can sometimes be painfully out of reach for people in certain situations.
Of course not everyone will play nice in this situation so there will need to be mediators and regulatory controls put in place to avoid all the obvious problems.
Following criteria are to evaluate your ability to design an architectural entity that works. Your architectural entity can be considered as the main stage for your Architecture Fiction. Your story should be constructed so that it best describes the most important aspects of your proposal as well as your proposal should be a response to the future contexts that you are to communicate in your story.
- Purpose (15%)
Has the purpose of your proposed architectural entity been defined in response to needs and desires of future citizens? Is the design response appropriate?
In my mind, sustainability is the most important aspect of everything we do, if we want to survive as a species, then we really need to clean up our act. It alls starts with baby steps, education and co-operation are key, and I think this proposal satisfies both of these criteria. Although it's not education and co-operation specifically about sustainability it still has its ideas and principle at it's core.
- Navigation (15%)
Has specific uses of you proposed space been studied and the circulation with and or access to the entity been studied and demonstrated? Is it evident in the design?
- Integrity (15%)
Is a good level of structural and/or operational integrity and unity clearly visible in your design proposal? are suitable structures, details, materials and/or technologies used to construct your proposed spaces?
This is to evaluate your ability to communicate the value and relevance of your architectural proposal. They can be best described as specific scenes in your architectural fiction.
- Presence & Identity (15%)
Has the presence and relevance of the proposed architectural entity and its identity in its location (site) been considered with strong understanding of what it should provide and be known for?
- First-person Experience (15%)
Has the experience of users been considered and effectively presented from the perspectives of users?
Sources: [Original Works]
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