Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 8: Site Documentation

The first task I have set myself is to create a fairly detailed model of the existing site, as the basis of my project is recycling and reuse, this will be one of the main influencing agents for my design.

After the jump are some Plans and pictures of the documentation process so far.

This is just the fist stage of documentation, to achieve it I accessed the site plot data and contour information on the Brisbane city plan through my workplace. this information was then used to model the site and context terrain as well as the site boundaries in ArchiCAD.

Next to approximate the roads and footpaths of the immediate context, Nearmap Images were placed over the site data and traced, not ideal for the road placement but it is good enough for the purposes of this assignment.

Then for the actual building elements, I used a mixed method of visiting the site and sketching, taking photos and tracing from Nearmap to locate the main building elements.

Again this method is not ideal, I spent some time trying to track down a set of plans but was unable to get my hands on any and decided to just bite the bullet and get into it. For the purposes of this assignment though approximation will be good enough.

So in the end I've ended up with a (hopefully) Fairly accurate model of the bones of the building structure in ArchiCAD. However for this assignment I've set myself a goal of determining the viability of using Solidworks as a building design and analysis tool. I have been self learning the program over the last 1 1/2 years and am interested to see how the programs features and tools can be utilized to analyse and inform the buildings design. I shall discuss what I hope to achieve with it in the next post.

Sources: [Original Works]

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